Dear Friend:
God is doing the most amazing things! I’m so excited to share with you an opportunity for me to minister to lost and hurting people in Brazil. This is my time! Just like in Isaiah 61:1 “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.”
Dr Don and Ruthanne Lynch, founders and leaders of Ministry Matrix Inc, an international revival and discipling ministry, have asked me to be part of an apostolic team that will travel to Brazil, South America this May for a revival conference. This is part of the training and leadership development God has called me to fulfill. I am so excited about this opportunity!
I need a team of intercessors and financial partners to make this happen so I am asking you to be part of my team for this international ministry outreach! I am asking you to agree to pray with me for this trip, and to pray especially during the trip for the power of God to be released in hundreds of lives, as we will lay hands on and pray for hundreds and hundreds of people there.
This will be my third mission trip to Brazil. Each one has been life-changing for me and for the people to whom we have ministered. Some testimonies from the last trip can be found by clicking on the Testimonies tab. Since my last trip, I have worked to receive my Masters in Practical Ministry through Wagner Leadership Institute, and my husband, Cameron, and I have been ordained into gospel ministry as pastors for Ministry Matrix, where I have been functioning as worship leader for the past 5 years and, more recently, as youth pastor. I am extremely blessed to be a shareholder in this international ministry, and it is my greatest desire to allow the Lord to use me to bring the love, healing, and hope that He has imparted to me into the nations.
Even more exciting for me is that this trip will take place from May 9-May 16, which will allow me to spend my birthday doing what I love the most! I am asking you to help me raise $1,800. You can give $5, $50, $100, $250, even $500- any amount will help. I need $1800 to make this 7-day international ministry trip happen. Will you consider partnering with me? There is some urgency and immediate need because of the nature of international travel, airline and hotel reservations, so I need you to respond as quickly as possible. Part of the training for me is this process of praying in the finances needed!
Thank you for helping me in prayer and giving. Thank you for believing in my calling and leadership.
Melody A. Bolduc
Please send your tax deductible partnership gift to: MinistryMatrix, Attn: Brasil Fund, 12146 Millford Lane N, Jacksonville FL 32246. Please attach a note to the check with my name so they will know it is for this trip. I must raise $1000 immediately so the airline tickets can be purchased, so please let me hear from you soon. I have enclosed a self-addressed return envelope for your convenience. You may also give securely online by clicking on the DONATE button in the menu.
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